divinehere.comForecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series>Dog
肖鼠 肖牛 肖虎 肖兔 肖龍 肖蛇
肖馬 肖羊 肖猴 肖雞 肖狗 肖豬
蛇年犯太歲生肖拜太歲 蛇年犯太歲生肖 蛇年嫁娶吉日 蛇年開巿吉日 蛇年文昌位 蛇年吉凶方位
蛇年辦公室吉凶方位 蛇年立春八字 2013(蛇年)年初一迎春接福接財神      
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake
Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Forecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series


The zodiac of Dog formed an opposition with the God of the Year last year, thus resulting in a powerful unfavourable influence on people who are born in the Year of the Dog. You would feel relieved this year as there are two lucky stars that are related to good relationship and can turn bad luck into good fortune. This year would be a good time for celebration and people whose occupation is related to arrangement of these celebration activities would definitely be benefited. It was said in the old days that the Year of the Snake may not be suitable for marriage, as the Chinese call it a “blind year” which means that Lichun (立春) does not fall within the Year of the Snake. Don’t worry as marriage can still be arranged after selecting a suitable date. Definitely people also got married in “blind years” in the past. Celebration activities are not limited to marriage, birthday parties and celebration of babies of a month’s old also count.

There was no lucky star for career last year. Though the lucky stars mentioned above could help solve problems this year, with the existence of two bad-luck stars, sometimes you would not be aware of hidden problems. So be careful and aware of people doing things behind your back! Nonetheless, the Year of the Snake is also an opportune time to consider plans for change and new development.

The lucky stars that you have this year include a well-known one 「紅鸞」 (Red Bird) which represents proper relationship. With the coexistence of a star representing spending, it will be a good year for marriage. People who are still single are recommended to join more wedding parties, especially being the best man or bridesmaid. This will increase your chance in meeting new friends or potential partners. (You may make friends with him/her at the beginning to see if he/she suits you, or maybe he/she will introduce a potential partner to you!)

As the lucky stars mentioned are all related to celebration, the fortune in finance would be good. Though the bad-luck star would lead to some additional spending, it would not be huge. Another star that exists may bring a sudden chance, but be aware of these chances as they may be traps. On the other hand, winter would be a more suitable time for investment.

Basically there is no problem with your health. But be careful of illnesses that are caused by tiredness, in particular kidney and gastrointestinal problems. (People born in the Year with zodiacs that belong to the category of “earth” are more likely to have gastrointestinal problems.) Maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle would definitely help relieving the problem. Be careful of food hygiene and safety especially in the ninth and twelfth months of the Chinese calendar. And illnesses related to foot, such as gout and rheumatism, would be more likely to appear in the third and twelfth months of the Chinese calendar.