divinehere.comForecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series>Tiger
肖鼠 肖牛 肖虎 肖兔 肖龍 肖蛇
肖馬 肖羊 肖猴 肖雞 肖狗 肖豬
蛇年犯太歲生肖拜太歲 蛇年犯太歲生肖 蛇年嫁娶吉日 蛇年開巿吉日 蛇年文昌位 蛇年吉凶方位
蛇年辦公室吉凶方位 蛇年立春八字 2013(蛇年)年初一迎春接福接財神      
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake
Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Forecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series


People who were born in the Year of Tiger would form “double discord” with the Tai Sui this year. This would reinforce the negative impact including a greater chance of having conflicts and getting injured. Besides, pay special attention to the relationship with your family members as it would not be as good as that in the past. Three other bad-luck stars would exist, so you are recommended to worship the Tai Sui Temple to ask for a blessing.

Although there are two lucky stars that would reduce the influence of bad luck for you, their power might not be strong enough to solve the problems arising from this “double discord”. Misunderstanding would occur between you and your long-lasting partners or colleagues. These misunderstandings might lead to estrangement, argument and even bring an end to your partnership. Under the joint influence of contradiction with the Snake and independent character of Tiger, fewer friends would be willing to help. Your help would more likely come from senior or old persons, but you may also have argument with them. You are recommended to be mindful and careful, keep a low profile and avoid quarrels with others.

As Tiger would have a square relationship with the Snake, you would easily have quarrels with your partner. Nevertheless, women would have a lucky star which increases their chances of meeting nice guys. In contrast, men who were born in the Year of Tiger would have greater chances of meeting competitors and the influence of another bad-luck star might make you feel gloomy and difficult to advance further in relationship. For people who are still single, you are recommended to pay special attention to the third, fifth, ninth and twelfth months of the Chinese calendar, when you would find it easier to meet new acquaintances with the opposite gender.

There is an opportunity for better income via promotion this year under the influence of a lucky star, if you can avoid arguments and conflicts with others to minimize the effect from bad-luck stars. With the existence of a lucky star which is related to the blessing from senior or powerful people, you are recommended to listen to the advice of experienced persons to avoid setbacks. You can also buy insurance as the influence of another lucky star would ensure that you would get compensated if something bad happens. Moreover, take care of your valuable belongings such as phones to avoid being robbed!

As there are two bad-luck stars this year, you would be more likely to get injured, in particular in car accidents which would be a troublesome one. Illnesses might be related to limbs, joints, or gastrointestinal problems. If you go hiking or travel in rural areas, be mindful of muscles and bones injuries. If you travel in cities, be more careful to avoid having car accidents, especially when you decide to drive on your own during the trip.