divinehere.comForecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series>Rooster
肖鼠 肖牛 肖虎 肖兔 肖龍 肖蛇
肖馬 肖羊 肖猴 肖雞 肖狗 肖豬
蛇年犯太歲生肖拜太歲 蛇年犯太歲生肖 蛇年嫁娶吉日 蛇年開巿吉日 蛇年文昌位 蛇年吉凶方位
蛇年辦公室吉凶方位 蛇年立春八字 2013(蛇年)年初一迎春接福接財神      
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake
Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Forecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series


People who were born in the Year of Rooster would have better fortune this year and would have great development in your career. There are three stars which are related to power, but some bad-luck stars which are related to bad guys and dispute coexist. It is easy for you to have lawsuit or quarrels with others. Fortunately they are not serious ones and you may only need to pay fines to settle them. Another bad-luck star would make you feel disturbed emotionally. Be relaxed and you have the ability to overcome difficulties. You are recommended to worship Guan-di (關帝) to ask for a blessing.

As mentioned above, lucky stars that are related to power would exist. There is another star called Golden Chamber (金匱), which is used for the storage of Chinese medicine. An important book on Chinese medicine has been translated to “Synopsis of Golden Chamber” in the West. The meaning of the star can be applied to management skills nowadays which are important to monitor and understand many kinds of Chinese herbs stored in the chamber. If you are working at management level, especially office and administration work, there is a high chance for career advancement.

Men do not need to worry about relationship as normally a good relationship will follow success in career. As Rooster would be compatible with Tai Sui this year, so you would find it easier to meet new friends. It becomes common that women find it more difficult to start a relationship when they perform well in their career. So it is your choice to put more efforts on developing your relationship or career. Fortunately, Rooster is being blessed by Man Cheong (文昌) and Yu Tang (玉堂), which are lucky stars that are related to help from others, and with the compatibility with Tai Sui, you may meet people who are sentimental and well-versed in literature.

There is a bad-luck star which is related to spending and loss of money, especially those due to unnecessary quarrels or careless mistakes. Fortunately, you also have a lucky star that represents reconciliation, so grasp the chance to settle disputes to avoid greater loss. Sometimes it is not related to right and wrong, some lawsuits are caused from missing the chance of settlement and only lawyers will be the beneficiary at last.

Your health is basically in good condition this year. But under the influence of a powerful bad-luck star, in particular from the fourth to sixth months of the Chinese calendar, you would be prone to nervousness and suffer from insomnia. You may even feel depressed or have nightmares (which may be related to spirits, killings and wars). As you would take up a greater responsibility in your career this year, you are recommended to do some exercises to relax and relieve the high pressure from your job.