玄奇世界2014甲午馬年生肖運程The Forecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Horse Series 2014>ROOTERS

The Forecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Horse Series 2014-ROOTERS

Ricky Yim


A year favourable for movement, either working outside your office or overseas. It is also a rewarding year for fame and wealth. If you plan for studying abroad or emigration, it is an opportune time.


You have to be prepared for movement and paying extra efforts in career. If the nature of your job requires a lot of going out and you often have business trips, the impact arising from these changes may be relatively small. If you are working in an office setting (such as secretary, accountancy or IT support, etc.), you may be changing jobs or having a sudden business trip. You may avoid these movements by travelling abroad. The higher the number of overseas trips, the better the result. Once you are overseas, good fortune may befall you.


You are rather passive and you need to be more active in developing a relationship. Women are luckier than men as they will meet handsome men who are active and passionate. However, you may still feel lonely at times. You may consider those who are working independently such doctors or researchers. Men are more likely to meet women who like to dress up, that will add to your expenditure. In addition, you will easily meet suitors who are married already. Thus if your partner is born in the Year of Monkey, be more considerate when he or she is not passionate enough.


If you are running business related to travelling, logistics or transportation, you are sure to make a huge profit. You will still be doing well if you often work outside the office. People born in the Year of Monkey are smart, nice and able to respond quickly, so you will get used to changes and settle down. Be more cautious in investment. You may find opportunities in the second, sixth and twelfth months of the Chinese calendar.


Be more cautious about what you eat when you go travelling. You may need to attend funerals or spend on arranging them for elderly family members. You are advised to worship Guanyin (觀音) in the temple or place a white china cat (such as a maneki-neko (招財貓) but without waving its hand) in the north-west of your home to drive away the misfortune.