玄奇世界2014甲午馬年生肖運程>A Good Day to Start Work at beginning of Chinese New Year
2014天赦日 2014犯太歲生肖 2014拜太歲 2014迎春接福
2014辦公室風水擺設 2014(馬年)開工吉日/吉方 2014開工大吉 2014情人節攻略
A Good Day to Start Work at beginning of Chinese New Year      
嚴衍玄2014馬年生肖運程 蔡進源2014馬年生肖運程 侯天同2014馬年生肖運程 黎卓坽2014馬年生肖運程
黃震宇2014馬年生肖運程 古庄辰2014(馬年)世運分析 黃震宇2014甲午年立春八字  
The Forecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Horse Series 2014      

A Good Day to Start Work at beginning of Chinese New Year

Ricky Yim

The first day of work after the Chinese New Year 2014 will be on 4 February 2014. It is a suitable day for starting work in general, unless your fortune type (命格) is not compatible with the element of fire.

Chinese has a tradition to choose a good day for starting of their work every year is because that day also symbolizes the starting of the whole year. In the past, everyone works throughout the year and would only take rest a few days before the Chinese New Year. Hence, the first day of work of a new year is very important. Nowadays, we do have one or two days' holidays during the weekend. This makes the starting day after the Chinese New Year less symbolic and important. Nevertheless, the concept of having a good start is still being respected. For example, a good day will be chosen for the first day of a construction work, a kick-off meeting of a project, etc. Companies will choose a good day and worship the God before starting as some believe that this will make a good start.

Every individual will have his/her best time to start work after the Chinese New Year. Though the influence of the starting of work after the Chinese New Year is less important nowadays, I have chosen a few good days for your reference:

1st preference:
9:00 am, 7 February 2014, with West as the best direction (except for zodiac of Rabbit)
2nd preference:
9:00 am, 4 February 2014, with West as the best direction (except for zodiac of Rat)
3rd preference:
1:00 pm, 13 February 2014, with East as the best direction (except for zodiac of Rooster)

With the popular use of smart phones, some will check or reply emails via smart phones. This also marks the beginning of your work without the need of your physical presence in office. The above proposed dates are recommended for your easy reference to start working at home or office to aim for a lucky year for career and wealth. Good luck to you all!

Companies and shops may pick a good time for starting according to owner's zodiac. You may also worship God at the same time. The necessary items for worship can be found at the shops selling joss stick and candle.